Chances are, the reason for your choice is one simple ingredient that could be missing in radio today.
It's something that corporate America is rediscovering the hard way.
As the story goes, there’s a word that a potential candidate must use to describe their future job at Dell Computers before they are even considered for the position.
That word is: Fun.
Apparently, the culture at Dell is built around a principle that more and more companies are subscribing to: A happy employee is a productive employee.
This comes at a time when the contentment level of the American worker is at an all-time low. A whopping 76% of those surveyed said they dislike their job.
While it’s easy to say, “If you don’t like something, don’t do it,” most feel they don’t really have choice.
They do.
The choice comes in making the best of the hand you’re holding while making plans for a new game all together. That choice comes from a change in attitude and a sense of hope.
Veteran Texas singer Augie Meyers said something in an interview that I will never forget. He said, “I do what I have to do, so I can do what I want to do.” In his case, he was talking about the gigs he would sometimes, rather not do. They help to pay the bills and fund the fun.
Perhaps, that what that choice is all about: funding our fun with money and thoughts. Positive thinking is attitude well-earned. It keeps you focused on how you want to and can feel.
While we all can’t work at Dell, Southwest Airlines, Disney, or Google, we can live in a world we build for ourselves. It is a world of the hope of a better tomorrow and a productive today. More importantly, it ‘s a world where work and fun are one in the same.
Are you having fun, yet?
Excellent message for the times we live in Sonny.
Keep up the good work,
Thanks Ramiro! Same to you!
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