Several years ago, at a radio conference in Los Angeles, I remember the legendary programmer, Paul Drew, was in the "hot seat" of the main session, allowing any and all questions from the audience. Before taking the first question, he shared an experience he had earlier that day.
Paul had visited the McDonald's headquarters in Los Angeles and said he was impressed with a creed that was hanging on the walls of all the stores entitled, Press On. He sincerely read the pledge and continued with the

The next radio mogul in the hot seat was the equally famous Pat O'Day who shared that he had visited a Kentucky Fried Chicken that day and found this message on their wall: "This week, push the mash potatoes."
Needless to say, his comment brought a roar of laughter from the crowd.
I found it interesting that both Paul and Pat successfully used two key elements of effective communication: optimism and humor.
I was reminded of the story when I recently spoke at an Optimist Club meeting and listened to their timeless creed:
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