Monday, March 24, 2008

Coach Of The Year

Watching the NBA playoffs got me thinking about what the game would be like without a coach. Imagine two teams making decisions without a leader - an authority figure. Someone to call the shots, and more importantly, fire up the team - both collectively and individually.

Isn't that what a program director does, or should be allowed to do? Those of us who have been on both sides of the desk know the rewards of each role.

I had the good fortune to work with two of the greatest programmers our industry has ever known: Chuck Blore and John Rook.

During our "NBA playoffs" in radio, both did what great coaches do - they led and inspired. Then they got out of the way. Just knowing they were listening made the game more exciting. The hotline was a source of connection between player and coach. It was our electronic time out.

When Chuck Blore would get that sound of wonder in his voice, you knew something great was about to happen.

John Rook's calculated calls to the control room were conversations I will never forget. Once, while on the air at KFI, I called him to get his blessing for a bit I had prepared. He simply said, "I guess I'm going to hear it."

There's no telling what great athletes or broadcasters might have been without their Coach of the Year.

While not every personality is a Michael Jordan, nor every PD a Phil Jackson, there no denying that every talent deserves a coach and those chosen to direct them should be given that opportunity.

The results can last a lifetime.

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