Monday, March 24, 2008

Radio Island

The NBA has discovered it's potential; so has IBM, Bank of America, and a host of others: It's Second Life. Created by Linden Lab in San Francisco, the virtual world of boasts over 7 million members and grows daily. While it may, at first, seem like a virtual reality novelty, once you visit it is easy to see the potential and the impressive use by those companies "who get it."

In Second Life you create a virtual identiy or avatar that can

travel the world to islands created by companies and individuals. There in lies the opportunity for fun and business.

Radio can certainly be a part of this exciting new platform by having yet another stage to wow listeners. is building Radio Island: A virtual media center complete with studios and performance venues. When finished, Radio Island will invite listeners to exclusive live online concerts, celebrity interviews, and more. Our "signal" is broadcast throughout the island as visitors explore the "acres" of our virtual paradise. The possiblities are limited only by our imagination.

If your station already has a major online presence (and even if it doesn't), Second Life can give your product just that: a second life.

Think about the last concert you station sponsored and then imagine doing that on the web, virtually.

And, don't leave out your advertisers. They can benefit by the traffic with virtual storefronts, complete with links to their sites and products.

The face of radio continues to change, but the magic of our medium remains the same: emotional contact with the listener.

Build it and they will come.

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