Thursday, May 22, 2008


Radio can learn much from the NBA playoffs. While sports analogies are constantly used in business settings, there is great inspiration to be derived from those who succeeded against all odds. The latest Michael Jordan Nike commercial,simply entitled, "Maybe", asks a question that champions of the future need to hear to stay motivated and focused. It has to do with excuses many use for not succeeding.

As the playoffs unfold, millions of arm chair coaches share their opinions the morning after about what could have happened and why it didn't. Radio's playoffs are ongoing and while many will dwell on why things aren't the way they were, others are busy taking to the waves of the new stream. They realize that what has changed is the way we deliver radio.

The web, podcasting, and satellite are not the competition. They are the "auxiliary delivery systems". When traditional stations embrace these audio vehicles, the ride is so much smoother.

Michael Jordan always found a way to do what he could, where he was, with what he had. He never made excuses and put his energies into creating new opportunities.

Will broadcasters follow this legendary example? Maybe.

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